4 Verses and Quotes That Will Help You Endure
Called to Endure, Even with Tears
“Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow; will return with songs of joy; carrying sheaves with them.”
Psalm 126:6
I’ve been meditating a lot on the thought of enduring to the end in recent months. At first it was because I was struggling to finish things I start, until God started reminding me that it was more than just a productivity issue.
Enduring to the end is a spiritual matter, and we need to do our best to walk faithfully, not just in our projects and tasks, but to the end of our lives—to win the prize of eternal life!
Along the way, it’s not going to be easy, but it’ll be worth it. Even if we must finish with broken bones or a broken heart, there’s no temporary loss for His sake that will not be richly rewarded.
Patience is Worth Learning
“Patience is the capacity to ‘wait and to endure’ without murmuring and disillusionment—to wait in the unplanned place, and endure the unplanned.”
John Piper
In the journey of a Christian, there will be many plans made, and many detours taken. Through the Holy Spirit, part of our being more like Christ is learning to control our tongue from grumbling, and being patient to wait for His go signal.
Moreover, though we are to run the race with endurance, let’s not mistake “winning the prize” of eternity and salvation as being credited to our own righteousness.
I’ve personally been praying to know the difference. How can I balance being diligent and enduring, without mistaking that any “success” or victory comes from me?
God has shown me that indeed, not a single thing I can do is possible apart from Christ.
And the fact that everything is because of God’s grace and power shouldn’t be a hindrance to us working hard. No! In fact, it should thrust us forward with even more confidence to live our best lives, especially when we trust not in our strength, but His.
Dare to Trust in God’s Power
“Beloved, have genuine faith in the Word of God, and in its power to save. Do not go up into the pulpit preaching the truth and saying, ‘I hope some good will come of it;’ but confidently believe that it will not return void, but must work the eternal purpose of God.”
Charles Spurgeon
After receiving the call to sow faithfully, and being assured that my strength is not my own, but God’s, I am empowered more than ever to walk into each day with the strongest weapon that God gave me: His word.
I confess many battles in my own life would have been won if I had only put my trust in the power of His word.
So friends, let’s believe God’s word and promises actually have great power!
He’s Always Saving You
If the LORD had not been on our side when people attacked us, they would have swallowed us alive when their anger flared against us … the torrent would have swept over us, the raging waters would have swept us away. Praise be to the LORD, who has not let us be torn by their teeth.
Psalms 124:2-6
Finally, don’t ever forget that everything you have been through, that you have endured, that you have survived, was due to the protection and grace of God.
Not only does He protect us from the great enemies, but even the small or unknown ones we are so greatly protected from, that we don’t feel any threat from at all.
May God make His abundant grace known to you, that you may finish the race confidently.
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We are vessels made to be occupied by one thing only. We can deny self and choose Christ, or deny Christ and choose self. It will always be one or the other.