Worry Over Nothing, Pray About Everything

I realize that a lot of work and life anxiety could be extinguished if only we trusted [aggressively, if that's even appropriate to say] in God's promise that He will 1) supply all that we need, and that He will 2) work all things out for the good of those who love Him.

Worry Over Nothing, Pray About Everything

If you're like me, an overthinker, and an overplanner, I want to share that so much relief has been brought to my spirit when I decide to pray all things to Him, surrender my plans (often just means I stop planning), and just begin taking action and walking by faith. Yes, by faith.

Keep Your Eyes Peeled for His Grace

I trust that He will provide the strength I need, the grace I need, even if it's through other people or circumstances outside my control (and totally within His), and give even the wisdom to do what I need to do, or recalibrate if it's not the right direction, or simply give the patience and endurance to stay.

The Christian is meant to live with ZERO anxieties and worries. But it's impossible without God. So abide in Him today, friends!

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4 Verses and Quotes That Will Help You Endure


The Sweet and Sorrow of the Christian Life