The True Cost of Doubt

A Personal Story on Doubt

Many years ago, when I first joined the worship team in our youth service, I auditioned to be a singer. But what they needed was an acoustic guitarist, so the band leader asked if I can play. Reluctantly, I said yes.

I could, but I was not confident at all.

Every week, I was anxious about messing up. So I spent hours preparing, practicing, and memorizing. I prayed every moment, before, during and after service.

I’m grateful I went through all of that. I could have let my doubts take over, and just refused to play at all. But then I wouldn’t be where I am today: leading worship regularly on Sundays, funnily enough, always with an acoustic guitar. And my heart is more joyful and free rather than anxious.

The Doubt of the Israelites

The Bible talks a lot about tests of faith. It was only over a year after bringing the Israelites out of Egypt, God brought them to the Promised Land.

Although God already said that the land was good, the people still sent out spies to see what the land was really like. But only 2 of the 12 spies gave back a positive report (Joshua and Caleb). The rest brought back negative reports and made everyone melt in fear.

Moses responded in Deuteronomy 1:29-30:

“Then I said to you, ‘Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them. The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes.

He continues in verse 32:

‘In spite of this, you did not trust in the Lord your God.’

Their unbelief overshadowed God’s plainly evident faithfulness and clear promise to protect them.

The Doubt of the Israelites

It’s true: the cost of doubt and unbelief can be huge blessings that we wouldn’t even dare to imagine.

Maybe you are being called to something you feel unready for. But the Lord has assured you several times that He is with you. Will you trust Him?

Or will you choose to listen to the enemy’s lies that paralyze you in fear? You have a choice. You can believe your changing feelings, or God’s unchanging word.

GUARD Your Faith

When the Bible says that the devil prowls like a lion waiting for someone to devour, do you know what he wants to devour? Think about it: it can’t be you, or your flesh. He cannot kill you.

So what does he want to devour? Your faith.

In 1 Peter 1:7 it says that our faith is more precious than gold.

So while the enemy schemes to steal your faith with suffering and persecution, you must protect it with your life. How? By looking to the very object of our faith—Jesus. More specifically, we put our faith in His very specific promises.

Challenge the Lies

Now let’s turn to you:

  1. What is the voice in your head saying that is keeping you from doing what you know you should do? Then evaluate: is it a lie, or truth?

  2. And if it is a lie, what specific promise/s from the Bible, can you latch on to to counter it? Write them on a sticky note, or make them your phone wallpaper.

I pray that God would strengthen you today, so that your faith may not fail.

Here are some Christian playlists to get you started.

This article was inspired by Darla Baltazar’s post from July 23, 2023.

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Lead With Humble Boldness


When Words Fail: The Humility of Music