The Sweet and Sorrow of the Christian Life

So which day is it like for you today: joyful, or sorrowful? Or is it somewhere in between?

A lot of people might actually assume that Christians should be always happy. And that’s true to an extent, because our joy in Christ is unshakeable (John 15:11, Psalm 16:11)..

Carrying our Crosses, Joyfully?

But the reality is, trials and sufferings are part of the deal. We also need to weep and mourn, whether its over our own sin, the sufferings of our brothers and sisters, or over the daily crosses we are to nevertheless carry.

But it’s not all about despair. The mark of a true Christian is one who has faith in the goodness of their God. Everyday, despite what we feel, we can wipe our own tears away (until Jesus Himself does!) and believe that God has such powerful grace to carry us in our weakness. He has abundant future grace.

And we walk in that solid truth like we really believe it—like we already have it! That’s walking by faith, even in the hard times.

Gloomy to Glory

And remember, those gloomy days, will always turn into glory days. Whether it’s “good” day, or a “bad” day, Jesus is nearer than you think.

Stay patient and hope in the LORD, my friends!

This was taken from the following post:

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