Creatives, Don’t Show Everything

Don’t Show Everything

In a world where everything is recorded, you’re allowed to be unseen.

You can work and create without everyone knowing.

You don’t have to show everything. You can create amazing things, even if it’s just between you and God for now.

You’re worthy not because you made things; you’re worthy because God made you.

The Internet Makes You Prove You’re Worthy

If you hang out enough on social media, you will see how everyday people are showing a slice of their lives online. These days, content can be about anything—even the most mundane things.

Shifting to the creative space, there is now a new standard.

Sure you can make good music, good art, good crafts, but if you don’t turn it into some kind of video content, it’s worthless. No one’s gonna care, and unless it’s video, no one’s gonna see.

But just because the algorithm favors people showing their work, and their process, day in and day out, doesn’t mean that God favors the same thing!

In fact, God loves to reward good deeds done in secret (Matthew 6:3-6).

The more we spend time on socials, the more we’ll feel pressured to prove our worth this way. But our worth is in Christ alone, not in being recognized, so we ought to spend more time with Him!

Creatives are a Fragile Species

We’re a fragile species. When we see something awesome, we burst into praise! So it only makes sense that when we create something awesome, we want to share it immediately. It’s so exciting, and we want to share that excitement!

Children will share it right away to the next person they find, or to their parents. Similarly, a lot of us will want to share it to our friends, or in this digital age, to the general public, by posting it online.

But I personally don’t recommend doing that, at least not mindfully.

There are two things that could happen: 1) people could see it, and not appreciate the hard labor you actually put in (in other words, they might not care as much as you do), and 2) going to the public space could make it accidentally accessible to unwanted criticism.

Should I Keep It To Myself?

I know that might sound a little pessimistic, but hear me out: I’m not saying you should keep it to yourself completely. But instead, you should choose the people you share it with.

Especially in the early stages of an idea, it is very fragile, and we are often still very invested in it. It’s important that we get affirmed by people we trust, and if there happens to be points for improvement, it’s best that they come from them.

You can share it to your closest friends who know you and appreciate your art, or you can share it with a community that shares the same passion as you (like our Christian creative Discord community).

Stay First in the Secret Place

But here’s the best place to be: in the secret place—the presence of God.

So much of our creative work is done in solitude. Or, at least it seems.

Remember: we are never alone. Because if you are in Christ, then Christ is in you. And every time we create, He is there!

He not only sees you, but He guides you.

With every “aha!” moment in our thinking and creating, God is the one who says, “here you go”.

All of it comes from Him.

The Secret to Overcoming Insecurity

So the secret to overcoming insecurity? Learn to enjoy the secret place, my friends.

Learn to be contented being unseen and unrecognized by others for everything you do.

You have to believe that your work has a worth of its own, apart from the praise and opinions of others. You need to learn to see it.

In the secret place, talk to God about your work. Pray about it! Enjoy it with Him abundantly.

Pray about every step in the process, even as you share it, and after you publish it.

But remember this: after you share it with the world, don’t forget how wonderful it has always been, even when it was just between you and God.

That is how you overcome insecurity—when your worth and your work are all anchored in God.

The Benefits of Anchoring Our Identity in Christ

Nothing will shake you.

You won’t worry too much about what others think.

You won’t be a slave to any algorithm.

You will respect the season of creating, and the season of sharing.

You will listen to what people say, and you will know that if you were faithful to share what God told you to create, then no praise nor criticism is really towards you. Instead, they are for God.

So all praise belongs to Him!

And for any criticism, you will gain discernment of which ones to listen to.

And for any hatred, it will be against God, and not against you. And you can have faith that God will bring justice to any who profane His name or persecute His messengers. But you, you’re safe.

Doesn’t that set you free?

Recommendations for Creatives

So in summary, here are some things you can do to protect your identity:

  1. Spend more time in the Word and in prayer, than on social media.

  2. Take a weekly social media fast.

  3. Create in the secret place.

  4. Enjoy the secret place with God.

  5. Pray over every project, and every stage. Talk to God.

  6. Ask God to whom you will share your work: is it to just one person? to many?

  7. Know the difference between what comes from God, and what comes from ego.

  8. Respect your season.

  9. Thank Him for every creative direction.

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