How To Be Finally Happy
I learned something recently. Though made in His image, our hearts are opposites with God. We always strive to be better, busier, richer, and to make less mistakes. But as we grow, God actually shows us more and more evidences of how weak and helpless we are on our own. It’s like He’s cultivating weakness in us—not to punish us, but to help us more deeply understand our freedom through Christ.
Consider that: if we found the truth of the gospel to be so beautiful, if we actually understood it, we wouldn’t even care if we were the bottom of the barrel in society, because we would see that being the lowest is no disadvantage in the Kingdom. The most freeing thing is perhaps finally discovering that true happiness doesn’t come from striving for more, but humbling yourself, becoming lowly, and finally seeing that the only thing we can boast about is the grace of God.
If you find yourself in a hard place, constantly stumbling, feeling weak and helpless, hear me out: you’re in the best position to receive His grace. When you’re out of options, you’re left with the best one: to pray. You can’t really call yourself a Christian and not be okay with being weak.
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We are vessels made to be occupied by one thing only. We can deny self and choose Christ, or deny Christ and choose self. It will always be one or the other.