How I Manage Time as a Christian Musician (Q&A)
In a recent weekend vlog, I answered some questions from my followers on Instagram. If you’d like to take a peek into my life, watch how my friend Nina Sengson and I spend some downtime, or extend your sympathies to my dying car battery, then feel free to watch the video!
But if you prefer to read some of my answers here, then read on:
#1 Any advice for people in their 20s?
Darla: Don’t overthink everything! With our generation feeling really pressured, I think it’s best not to overthink it all. We should be open to detours, which happen a lot in life.
Nina: Always inquire of the Lord, even in the big and small decisions. You’ll never go wrong with that!
#2 What’s your biggest ‘what if’?
I graduated with a degree in psychology. All throughout college, I was gearing towards a path in clinical psychology.
So that would be a big ‘what if’. But even then, I don’t regret the decision to embrace God’s calling for me to make music for Him. Besides, I can always go back to that when the God decides I should!
#3 What music software do you use, and how did you learn to produce/mix?
I use a DAW (digital audio workstation) called Ableton! And I learned a lot about music production and mixing on YouTube as well as a course I took from Recording Revolution.
#4 How do you manage your time as an independent artist?
My routine differs from season to season, but the most helpful practice that allows me to manage my time has been doing weekly and monthly reviews.
During my review sessions, which I usually do at a coffee shop, I look back on the highlights, problems, and notes for improvements—all of which I take note of on a daily basis in a digital notebook.
But the main determiner for how I use my time is my personal list of priorities which I’ve taken the time to pray about. And believe it or not, being an indie artist is not even in the top 3 of the list. The main is reason is because the songs I write mainly have to come from authentic experiences I’ve had with God. These can come from lengthy periods of studying His word, or trials I go through to learn and write from.
#5 What’s the next project?
The next project, which is the one I’m currently working on is my album, Soul Talk! It’s a 13-track album features songs mainly in the R&B style. It tackles the real and deep struggles of walking as a Christian who is called to deny herself, yet culminating in hope and triumphant joy in Christ.
I can’t say when it’s going to be out, but we’re working hard to finish it. So please pray with us for its completion, and ultimately that it would serve to glorify God, not me.
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We are vessels made to be occupied by one thing only. We can deny self and choose Christ, or deny Christ and choose self. It will always be one or the other.