Productive Days for Christian Creatives
Enduring a Creative Block
I woke up at 6:30am to start my day right. About an hour and a half dedicated to the Lord in His word and sweet prayer. Then I got dressed, ready to start my work.
I was supposed to write something that day, but nothing came to mind, except for all the other thousand random “that’s nice but I don’t really need to” project ideas suddenly popping in my head. I got incredibly distracted and just terribly frustrated over how I just couldn’t focus.
I tried sitting down one more time to see if anything was gonna come, but I was just sitting at my computer feeling extra sleepy, so I napped it off, only to wake up almost an hour later with the sun beginning to set.
Yet another day coming to a close, and I got nothing.
I was starting to feel very frustrated until I came across a sermon by John Piper where he said something that made my ears perk up: “My anxiety quotient rises and falls with my insight into how to solve a problem.”
That was what I was experiencing. My mood was dependent upon how much I was getting done, or how productive I was. Now how could I call myself a Christian with such a character?
Songwriting is Not an Office Job
I have this weird thing of finally pursuing what I want, which is making music for God’s glory, but still wanting a productive day to look like the busyness people who work a 9-5.
But if I want to look like a “normal” office worker (which is what I’m used to seeing with the rest of my family), then I won’t really embrace the space that God has given me in my daily life to soak in His word, to build relationships with others, and to experience life in which His grace and mercy come to life. And it’s from those very things that I actually get inspired to create wonderful art.
Grumbling in the Face of Blessing
Isn’t it ironic that even when we already get what we want, humans that we are, we still find ways to complain about it? Consider how the Israelites can still manage to complain after being miraculously fed in the desert with manna, or to wish they were back to being slaves in Egypt just because they had to wait a little while longer to reach the Promised Land.
The truth is that as much as it would be great for creativity to have specific steps all the time, the process is usually more of a wonderful mess. And that’s not a bad thing! We just have to prepare our minds and hearts before stepping into this time of creativity, and make sure to do it with God.
Wanting What God Wants
Any good Christian will align their definition of productivity to what God wants them to do. And in order to really understand what our life today is about, we need to look the heart of God for us. What is His plan for us? What is His will for us? Is it to get 10 new clients this month? Is it to release an album this year? Is it to reach 5K more followers by the end of the quarter?
The funny thing about those things is that regardless of how hard (or easy) it is to reach those goals, the fact remains that God can make them happen in a snap if He wants to. That’s the key: if He wants to.
But remember that God never decides on a whim like we do. He doesn’t just decide, “Alright, I’m giving Darla inspiration for 2 songs today becauseI feel like it.” Well, granted, He can, because, really, my God can do whatever He wishes. But He often goes much deeper than that.
Everything that God does comes from His character—His goodness, kindness, mercy, patience, and graciousness. And when we understand that, and make His purposes our own, we will begin to truly discern what true productivity means for us.
And this is God’s purpose: to make us more like His Son.
It’s actually much simpler than we often make it out to be.
Productive Days can be a Curse
Sure, when you write a new piece, or wrap up a project, or land a new client, rejoice! Rejoice for none of those would come without the gracious hand of God.
But remember: do not rejoice because your own talent has given a you a new song, or your cleverness brought you to the end of another project, or your impeccable marketing prowess got you a new client. No, never inhale the air of egotistic pride. If we use these gifts to glorify ourselves, then we would just be corrupting our productive days.
Instead, rejoice in God, not yourself, for all of these wonderful blessings.
Most Un-Productive Days Are Blessings
📖 Psalms 127:1-2 Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.
So what about the un-productive days, how can we think of them?
Well, if our new definition of productivity is now about becoming more like Jesus, then isn’t it a blessing that we have the opportunity to rejoice in the steadfast truth that we are saved by grace? Isn’t it amazing that in spite of our performance (or lack thereof), God still loves us so much and desires to be with us in heaven?
With every un-productive day is a chance to be still and behold how God remains to be in full control, not only of your life, but of the whole universe, today and forever.
📖 Proverbs 21:31 The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the LORD.
Hope for Seemingly Fruitless Days
So what is our hope to move forward after a day of feeling useless? Remember that God is still sovereign, on both your productive and un-productive days. And His promise remains:
📖 Philippians 2:13 For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.
And so if He wills to keep you from doing anything efficiently and productively today, then pray earnestly for a willing spirit to submit to His will, and for a renewed mind. Pray for Him to open Your eyes on how He is making you more like Christ today.
Maybe He was protecting you today from your own pride. Rejoice! That means He cares for you more than you know.
So what about tomorrow? It would do you well to prepare your mind and heart for the next days. You must believe that even if you work hard all day, like Paul, you must say, “yet it was not I, but the grace of Christ that was with me” (1 Corinthians 10:15).
Then, strive to do everything for the glory of God (Colossians 3:23) and serving “with the strength that God provides so that in everything, God may be praised through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 4:11)
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We are vessels made to be occupied by one thing only. We can deny self and choose Christ, or deny Christ and choose self. It will always be one or the other.