The Antidote to Worry

There’s something special about trust. It is the antidote of worry. A lot of times we panic, whether it’s an earthquake, a partner who doesn’t reply, a plan that’s gone wrong, and other tragedies.

But to trust—that can still a heart.

Insecure partners can choose to control their beloved, or make desperate efforts to make sure they still have their heart, or they can instead trust that their love is not based on circumstance.

When we trust, we aren’t desperate. We don’t panic. We rest. There is no fear. We are free.

When we are afraid and left to defend ourselves, we panic. David knows that too well. But how did he finish the race well, despite his enemies thirsting for his life? He let God defend him. He trusted in the word of His God. In fact, here he is talking to his own soul: “Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” (Psalm 42:11)

How To Trust God

But how do you trust someone? It takes time. To trust another human takes time because they too are fallen, just like us.

But there’s One that we can trust without a doubt. God is not inconsistent like us. He is holy, and untouched by sin. When He says something, He will do it. When He declares something, it is truth. No darkness is in Him.

And not only that, the more you dive into His word, the more you will see His kind and loving heart.

The more you see how weak and broken you are, all the more you will see how gentle, forgiving, gracious, and patient He is.

The more you obey His Word, even if it sounds counterintuitive, the more you’ll see He is kind and loving, wise and trustworthy.

And that—that is how you learn to trust Him. When you finally understand His character.

His Character Draws Out Trust

So when an earthquake hits, you can pray for it to stop, but you can also trust that if He lets it happen, His will best be done. Why? Because He is good and kind. He has a plan beyond our understanding right now. And it is always for a greater good. The same applies when we feel anxious and in danger.

How about trusting people? The same thing applies. We trust people not because they are perfect, but because we have a large ammunition of mercy when they make mistakes. And where do we get that ability to forgive? From the river of God’s grace. No—the ocean of God’s grace!

We have been so forgiven, and that will be the way that we can forgive others, and similarly learn to receive forgiveness. Trusting others is not independent of trusting God.

Let Him Defend You

What if we have been wronged horribly? Then that’s when we turn to God’s justice. Don’t avenge yourself. “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’” (Romans‬ ‭12:19‬)‬‬ He will handle it—better than you ever can.

When He says never worry, He means it. He wouldn’t say it if He wasn’t ready to deliver. That would tarnish His glory—but our God is pristine.

You who read this: trust in the Lord.

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Lord, Teach Us to Pray


Winning the War Within